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Welcome to the new age of athletic intelligence. Embrace the challenges of mental preparation and take your game to the next level.
Hitting all starts with confidence. If a hitter believes they will fail, they’re correct. If they think they will succeed, then they have a chance.
The grip is a very underrated attribute in athletics. The ability to squeeze an object is indicative of muscular endurance and overall strength.
  • 2 min read
Mike Yastrzemski, grandson of Carl, had the opportunity to play out a fantasy he'd dreamt about since he was a boy.
  • 3 min read
Invest time into your eye sight and develop that soft, fine focus. This prevents over straining, allowing a hitter to get the most out of their vision.
The ability to maintain equilibrium is possibly the most important attribute in all of sports. Without the aptitude to stay balanced, an athlete is lost.
  • 4 min read
A hitter only gets so many pitches to do some serious damage. Don’t blow an opportunity by being over aggressive - stay calm, collected and balanced.
To help an athlete categorize and manage the workload of their mechanical development, try the staged tee work drill to develop comfort in the stride.
It’s important for a hitter to realize that the stride and swing are two separate actions. Different aspects of the swing should be broken down accordingly.
Nate Denton and his family find great joy in the pursuit of their dreams on the diamond, specifically with their MaxBP.
Strong hands are a trait in every hall of fame hitter. A great exercise for baseball players to develop that strength is with the rice bucket drill. 
The stride is a key part of the swing and comes in a variety of sizes and vertices. If it's mechanically sound and comfortable - you’ve found your stride.
  • 3 min read
