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Be a menace to opposing pitchers and develop into a two strike hitter that won’t go down easily. It puts your team in a better position to win a ballgame.
Waiting for a pitcher to throw a baseball is one of the most nerve racking things in sports.The best thing a hitter can do with their eyes is simply relax.
As a batter step's into the box they should measure up the same distance to the plate. This allows a hitter to have a consistent feel for the strike zone.
  • 1 min read
Pitcher's are more effective than ever before. To be a worthy adversary a hitter must be balanced and in exemplary athletic position at the plate.
From Little League to the Major Leagues, if a hitter suspects they will fail, they are absolutely right.
Keep your eye on the ball. But what does it really mean? And why do ballplayers at all levels still struggle with this principal?
It's important for professionals and amateurs alike, to fine tune their bunting skills and have the ability to lay one down in crucial moments.
