Latest Blogs

A pitcher's objective is to get hitter's out. The most effective way to do this is to disrupt an opponents timing at the plate.
  • 2 min read
Baseball and softball don’t get much recognition for being endurance sports. Take pride in your training. Build your stamina and bat speed with MaxBP!
  • 3 min read
One of the great things about baseball is the batting stance. How should a player settle on a particular stance? And does it make a difference?
  • 4 min read
Be a menace to opposing pitchers and develop into a two strike hitter that won’t go down easily. It puts your team in a better position to win a ballgame.
2019 HR Derby results, commentary and how to create your own HR Derby at home!
Keep your baseball training fresh by making a game out of it. A ballplayer can do this by making a session on the tee into a game of Battleship.
  • 1 min read
Waiting for a pitcher to throw a baseball is one of the most nerve racking things in sports.The best thing a hitter can do with their eyes is simply relax.
Precision tee work: consistent stance + working the zone = results.
As a batter step's into the box they should measure up the same distance to the plate. This allows a hitter to have a consistent feel for the strike zone.
  • 1 min read
Pitcher's are more effective than ever before. To be a worthy adversary a hitter must be balanced and in exemplary athletic position at the plate.
From Little League to the Major Leagues, if a hitter suspects they will fail, they are absolutely right.
