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One way for a hitter to analyze their mechanics and gain comfort is by looking at their swing in a mirror. In this drill we will focus on hand position.
The suicide squeeze is perfected when a runner bolts for home plate the moment a pitcher goes into his delivery and a hitter lays down a bunt.
  • 2 min read
Pepper is a drill that features one player hitting brisk ground balls to a group of fielders who are standing approximately 15-20 feet away.
  • 2 min read
For hitters looking to drive in runs and make a difference, practice inside soft toss, and do damage with the “middle-in” pitch.
  • 2 min read
A batter must be trained to hit breaking pitches. To properly train an athlete to hit a “same hand” curveball it is essential to put in the work.
Bunting may not be as prevalent as it used to be, but with today's defensive shifts, there's no better way to start a rally then with a bunt base hit.
  • 5 min read
One of the oldest situational hitting scenarios in the book is the classic “move the runner from second base to third base” when batting with nobody out.
  • 2 min read
Great hitters have the ability to recognize different pitches and hit that pitch to their desired location. Training to be diverse hitter is essential.
A great drill to teach a hitter patience at the plate is the Rear Soft Toss Drill. This is great training to help a player “let the ball come to them.”
A trained player should be able to take the outside pitch and drive it to the opposite field. A great way to develop this skill is through soft toss training.
The most critical piece of equipment to a ballplayer's safety is a helmet. Players of all ages should always wear a helmet in games and practice. Helmets are essential to a player's safety is a helmet. Athletes of all ages should wear a helmet in games and practice.
  • 1 min read
This drill helps a hitter recognize pitches, training a hitter to pick up the rotation on a breaking ball and to have “an eye” at the plate.
