Latest Blogs

By utilizing the sledgehammer to perform some old school manual labor drills, you’ll develop hand and forearm strength.
A hitter only gets so many pitches to do some serious damage. Don’t blow an opportunity by being over aggressive - stay calm, collected and balanced.
To help an athlete categorize and manage the workload of their mechanical development, try the staged tee work drill to develop comfort in the stride.
It’s important for a hitter to realize that the stride and swing are two separate actions. Different aspects of the swing should be broken down accordingly.
Dr. Khan believes that muscle memory and hand-eye coordination are developed through hard work and practice, which is why he is excited about his MaxBP.
  • 3 min read
Strong hands are a trait in every hall of fame hitter. A great exercise for baseball players to develop that strength is with the rice bucket drill. 
Synchronization between the upper body and lower body is critical to a hitter’s ability to be consistent and to drive the ball with authority.
  • 2 min read
For hitters looking to drive in runs and make a difference, practice inside soft toss, and do damage with the “middle-in” pitch.
  • 2 min read
Using a hitting tee, set up a belt high and inside pitch on the front part of the plate. Turn on the pitch, get the barrel out in front and drive the ball.
Practice soft toss from an angle out in front of the plate. Hitters can focus on hitting the ball from gap to gap, depending on the location of the pitch.
The sooner a hitter becomes comfortable hitting pitches at high speeds - the better! Don’t be afraid of a little gas, even if you can’t hit it.
Baseball and softball don’t get much recognition for being endurance sports. Take pride in your training. Build your stamina and bat speed with MaxBP!
  • 3 min read
