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A hitter only gets so many pitches to do some serious damage. Don’t blow an opportunity by being over aggressive - stay calm, collected and balanced.
To help an athlete categorize and manage the workload of their mechanical development, try the staged tee work drill to develop comfort in the stride.
Using a hitting tee, set up a belt high and inside pitch on the front part of the plate. Turn on the pitch, get the barrel out in front and drive the ball.
If a ballplayer is notorious for being a “dead-pull hitter” and is aiming to start using the entire field, this top hand batting drill is a great one.
It's natural for an athlete to look at the results of their work. But for best results, develop the muscle memory to watch the ball all the way to contact.
Keep your baseball training fresh by making a game out of it. A ballplayer can do this by making a session on the tee into a game of Battleship.
  • 1 min read
Precision tee work: consistent stance + working the zone = results.
Using a tee AND a MaxBP machine you have set up to target the inside pitch, you can practice this drill all on your own.
  • 3 min read
