MAXBP took our college team to ANOTHER LEVEL. My 16uA Daughter to leading conference in Doubles.
This is @hittingcoachnate on Instagram and Facebook! I use this EVERYDAY for lessons or When I COACH LORAS COLLEGE.
We use it for
-Hitting(GREATLY DECREASE STRIKEOUTS, INCREASE CONTACT RATIO) Giving you SO MANY MORE CHANCES to get on base. Which increases your chances of runs. Best thing EVER for bat-to-ball skills.
-Fielding(In the gym or turf, we set all our infielders up, and let this thing RIP as fast as it can at them. Really learn to track the ball.
-Catching(become the best at receiving) you want to be a great catcher, learn to catch with the finger gloves. Get SMOOTH behind the plate and get it in the pocket EVERY...SINGLE...TIME.
-Outfield - Use the RAMP and curveball setting to learn how to TRACK and find the ball. Put it on Turbo to really launch the ball. Take out the stoppers to throw 3 balls back to back to back.
There is just so much to do with this machine. From EVERY PART of the game. I FREAKING LOVE THIS MACHINE.