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Last year's campaign is a thing of the past. The time is now to develop a regimen and build toward a successful 2020 and beyond.
The competition out there is tougher than ever. Implement some efficient modern day technology into your practice regimen and experience newfound success.
Those who utilize this time wisely will continue to develop their skills, stay ahead of the competition, and continue to thrive from one year to the next.
The accumulation of rust will have a negative impact on their players abilities and they will find themselves scrambling to get right.
The mechanics of the swing are interchangeable. Develop those fundamentals and enjoy the benefits of playing the game with confidence and freedom.
  • 2 min read
As long as a player uses failure as a learning experience, they should feel good about themselves and be optimistic about future plate appearances.
The best hitters don’t look at half of the ball, whether that be the top or bottom, they are focused on the entire object and aim for the dead center of it.
Hitting is a moving object is a difficult act, a complex relationship between physical, visual and mental development.
  • 2 min read
It’s difficult to decide where to spend your hard earned money on athletic training - you'll be hard pressed to find better value than MaxBP.
Take comfort in the fact that your child can practice their craft in their own backyard, basement or garage.
Spending valuable time with your kids is a joyful experience, but sometimes, especially during the work week, we all need a little break.
Athletes need the opportunity to work diligently and succeed. This is a lesson we inevitably learn throughout our lifetime - hard work leads to success.
