Latest Blogs

MaxBP provides a quality cardiovascular workout, second-to-none training and it's fun!
It may take a little rearranging, but clear out that underutilized space and get more reps than ever - rain, snow or shine.
Give your arm some much needed rest and let MaxBP carry the burden of a lofty pitch count.
Hitters face a daunting task when it comes to an at-bat versus Cole, a power pitcher who features a 98 MPH fastball, slider, knuckle curve and change-up.
Implement MaxBP into your training and feel more comfortable and confident, which will lead to more success on game day.
Even if the ultimate dream never comes to fruition, the memories last a lifetime and the lessons learned along the way are priceless.
MaxBP will help parents save time and money, while providing their athlete with more reps than ever at the fraction of the price. is a great resource, providing an abundance of valuable material for an athlete willing to be a student of the game.
Physical capabilities are instrumental in sports, but an athletes’ visual and mental capabilities are equally imperative.
For ballplayers who have a difficult time being mobile and accessing training facilities and equipment, MaxBP brings the training home to you!
For athletes who play a sport that requires them to track, catch or hit a moving object, it's hard t to make a more sound investment than MaxBP.
With MaxBP an athlete only has to rely on themselves to maintain their practice regimen. It’s your dream! Go chase it!
