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Halloween has passed and the weather has turned. Depending on one’s location, it’s tough to make progress during the winter months.
As the story goes, unusual Tibetan training methods allowed Finch to throw a baseball with incredible accuracy and velocity - approximately 168 MPH!
Should an athlete think about their mechanics while participating in live batting practice? Absolutely!
If it were easy to hit the ball to a desired location, we wouldn’t be experiencing this modern day trend of the defensive shift.
The worst possible outcome in an at-bat is when a hitter goes up there without a plan. Always know the game situation and have an idea at the plate.
Ted Williams, widely renowned as the best hitter of all-time wrote a book called The Science of Hitting. There is more to hitting than art.
What are your thoughts on our list of Scariest Hitters of All-Time? Enter a comment or share the article for a chance to win a special prize from MaxBP.
  • 5 min read
We're focusing on a different fear this Halloween - every time these guys stepped to the plate, blood pressure rose and palms began to sweat.
  • 4 min read
Soto's approach allows a hitter to be aggressive and hit the ball for power early in an at-bat, while simplifying the swing and battling with two-strikes.
The most influential factor of how and where the hands finish the swing is the location of the baseball, with or without contact.
If you want to be a .300 hitter in the Major Leagues, it all starts with developing a consistent, fundamentally sound and efficient swing.
To train your eyes, mind and swing to battle a savvy pitcher like Anibal Sanchez practice a variety of pitch types and speeds with a MaxBP Pro Machine.
